Thursday, November 30, 2006

Don't Get Upset during the Moon Wobble! By Farley Malorrus

Moon Wobble not even in Peak, What do you think?

Now, I've had 3 appointments broken tonight, 2 didn't even call. You know, I know some people who proved for themselves that Astrology worked and was valid tracking the Moon Wobble. Help me out here, but am I the only one experiencing setbacks? I mean the Moon Wobble is only less than a week in, and won't peak for 17 days or so, and this is just the beginning.

So, just checking in, with setbacks, disappointments, and misfires during this unstable period. Not sure you want to make a peace during this period, as it probably would not work! More later.....

Don't get upset when things don't work out as they should up until December 20, 2006. So far, I spent all morning getting EVERYTHING off the floor of my rig, 4 hours work, for a carpet shampoo. Moon Wobble! He cancelled at 2:30pm, a last minute change, which is typical Moon Wobble crap. So, I wasn't upset, as I understand how these things work after 20 years of studying it. He offered to move some of my heavy stuff out of the motor home into my SUV, I agreed. We reschedule for Saturday AM but I won't be surprised if that is also cancelled. I also got a bill from my doctor for $275 for a full physical. I didn't get a full physical, I got a check up for a sinus infection which is $90. Moon Wobble!!! Moon Wobble! Moon Wobble! Nothing goes as you expect or as it seems during this time when the Sun is at odds with the Moons Nodes as it is now until December 20! Once again you will get about a 10% success rate during most of these situations, but lots of changes, last minute changes, setbacks, cancellations, over billings, over charges, and disappointments when the Sun is at odds with the Moons Nodes. Please add any comments to this post if you are experiencing any setbacks, as I'd be curious if you were! Continued success, and one more thing, IF ALL YOUR GIFTS you buy now are returned, or a Lot of them are, it would be the Wobble effect, and imagine, Nintendo released the Wii, and Sony released the Playstation 3 right as the wobble started, but everyone is buying them NOW during this phenomenon. Just letting you know how it affects me, and I'm not surprised at this point.
NEWS FLASH: I am negotiating at this time to get a 1 hour segment on XZONE radio with Rob McConnell twice a month, and will advise you soon as to when the next time you can hear me on his show!Keep posted to this journal of further information, and thanks to Rob for wanting to add me to his repertoire!

Farley Malorrus,

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Aliens "BELEIVE IT OR NOT!" Presented by Farley Malorrus and

WARNING, THIS VIDEO MAY BE SHOCKING TO SOME, and parts may not be intended for the SQUEEMISH, Please view it with Caution. Thank you. (I was shocked) Farley M.

The Aliens have Landed BY Farley Malorrus

The Aliens Have Landed

By Farley Malorrus

(Astrology Explained & "Other things")

When I look at people lately, it's almost like I feel I'm in a Star Wars Bar. People are SO DIFFERENT! They could be Aliens from other dimensions or planets and how would we know it? I mean half of us could be hybrids with our Mom or Dad abducted secretly and injected with some kind of Alien DNA. It could be in our DNA from 1,000's of years ago!  If you look at a typical crowd, these days, everyone looks so different! I mean the hair colors, lengths, beards, sideburns, body styles shapes, skin colors, tatoo's, piercings, heights, weights, faces,  and I'm telling you these people look like they are from about 20 different species of being. Next time you are in a typical crowd, check it out, and see if you don't agree that few people look 'human' anymore.
I'm not putting down the human race or anything, but I figure the Aliens landed Eons ago and have been playing chess with us all along. (I'm channeling this, okay?) If I was an Alien, and rumor has it I have been in many, many past lives, ONE THING IS FOR SURE; I would never make it known to any government on this planet, as that would either get you dissected or shot, or both! Let's face it the human race isn't very kind to itself, so you would have to think the ALIENS would know that and avoid revealing themselves at all costs. I figure their average Alien brain capacity is at least 40% to 60%, literally making humans akin to what mice and rats, or dogs and cats would be to us, 'pets,' and laboratory animals. I'm not surprised one bit at all the abduction stories, and all the Twilight Zone stuff people talk about, because I believe it. In fact, I believe Alien Ships are orbiting Earth, the Moon, and most all the planets in the solar system, and they are easily 'cloaked' to our limited brain capacities, so we would never know it.
To them, we are primitive, and not just primitive, but it's like going to a zoo and seeing all kinds of explosives, guns and weapons in all the cages. Can you imagine a cage full of gorillas and chimpanzees with 100 cases of grenades?

That's kind of like how I feel the Aliens see us. Humans are a cocky, egotistical, arrogant, murderous species, who thinks with their ego that "They" are the top of the food chain, the smartest creature and therefore can eat and kill everything else. Au contrairmon ami (Quite the contrary, my friend!) IN truth, we are surrounded with Aliens, Alien technology, Alien intervention, and I'm starting to think this whole war thing is almost about testing new kinds of Alien weaponry, and using Humans as guinea pigs! I was a journalist for a major network at one time, for 2 years, over 400 shows, and at this point, I frankly don't believe a thing I read in the paper, see on TV, or hear on the radio. Not one thing, Not JACK SQUAT! What I do believe is my own intuition and instinct which tells me, we need to take our Science Fiction stuff more serious, as it may be more true than our egos wish us to believe, and also that we need to be ready to accept the 'unbelievable,' as the trash they are feeding us, just isn't working! I for one am so open minded, that if someone ran into my motor home, and said, "Farley quick a UFO is landing;" and I saw the UFO, I'd get in my SUV and take off. (I'm not one to be curious about something I don't fully understand, nor do I wish to be abducted!)

We need to stop acting like laboratory rats and chimpanzees, and work on expanding our brain capacities, and consciousness, so we can read between the lines, stop believing the rubbish they throw at us, and start embracing other incredible possibilities, like that the lady you just married is an Alien, and the kids you are having with her may be hybrids.

I feel like an extension of Ghostbusters, and trust me, I'm ready to believe, and cautiously accept a whole lot of different explanation than what is being thrown at us, because what they tell us just doesn't make sense!

I don't feel we are alone on this planet, in fact, I believe with all my heart that life on Earth was created by a race of beings called the Elohim, (Which just so happens to be another word for 'God,' in Hebrew), and that everything that has happened on this planet from day one, has been observed, regulated, and monitored by perhaps many species of Alien far beyond the comprehension of primitive Cro Magnon man (us).

I take everything in as taught to us by elders and ancestors, but I look to my dreams, my intuition, my instinct, my higher self, my spirit guides, and to God to further embrace the truth, because there is no final truth, and there is always FURTHER TRUTH. You know that saying the "truth will set you free;"Or from the X Files, "The truth is out there?" In my experience, I am always lookingfor further examples of truth, more information, keeping an open mind and heart, and constantly trying to figure out this puzzle we call life, literally never being shocked about anything, not believing in too many things you see or hear, and never amazed when facts come out that make us all go WOW, as if we didn't know.

In the long run, what did our Ancestors really know about anything, and can humans just blatantly accept what is passed down to us from other humans without questioning it? When I was in the 70's, I learned a saying that has helped me ever since. It was a bumper sticker that said "Question Authority, Question Everything." I never forgot that sticker and it has lived with me, and each day of my life I am looking for clues, further truth, and never swallowing anything I hear, see, read, or what they tell me, as I know it's all heresay in the end.

If you sit at a table of 12 people, and the first person tells a long story to the 2nd, and the 2nd passes it to the 3rd, then the 3rd tells the story to the 4th and so on all the way to the 12th, the story NEVER EVER is what it was meant to be when the 1st person told it. Heresay, that's what it all is, heresay, and I refuse to believe any of it, no matter what anyone tells me. One thing is for sure, no one can tell me what to believe in, what religion to believe in, how to worship God, or what is right or wrong, because from my point of view some people think they have a license to kill, steal, or declare War, and no one is doing anything about it. In that regard, is anyone capable of being mature enough to seek the truth, instead of just taking action? Maybe one day, but not today. Today, we just respond like the primitive humans that we are, and it is sad that we are unable to look between the lines and seek the truth, and actually attempt to create logical solutions instead of just being like Soldier Ants and destroying everything in our path. It must be entertaining to the Aliens who observe us, or I don't think they would let us do it. Just my take on Aliens, Life on Earth, and the delusions that are presented to us ongoing, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you like my journal, visit my web site with 180 CHANNELED audio files to open up your consciousness.
If you like my WEB SITE, make a donation to support it! Please! Pretty Please with sugar on it!
Here's the Address;

Thanks so much. Farley Malorrus

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Karma of War and the Fate of a President By Farley Malorrus

The Karma of War

and the Fate of a President

By Farley Malorrus

To date their have been over 22,000 United States Soldiers injured and crippled by the Iraq and Afgan Wars; 3,000 U. S. Soliders dead, and over 750,000 Iraqis, Afghanis, Syrians, Iranians, and Pakistanis killed.

Today I was pondering the fate of Abraham Lincoln when he was shot at Ford Theatre and suddenly was President no more. Then, I considered what happened to John F. Kennedy, when he was shot in Dallas changing the World forever, but JFK did choose to begin the Viet Nam War, and Lincoln of course directed the Civil War designed to free the slaves, and renunite the nation.  I also conjectured the fate of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who decided he "would not seek nor accept the nomination of the Democrats in a final reelection bid," being disgraced for his errors of Viet Nam. Of course we all remember the resignation of Richard Nixon the inheritor of the Viet Nam War which turned into a huge disgrace for the Executive branch of our government when threatened with being Impeached, stepped down in favor of Gerald Ford. It's true that Nixon ended Viet Nam, but I feel it was too late for him. We also reflect on George H.W. Bushs fate after Desert Storm when he became a one term wonder due to the fact he didn't go into Baghdad and simply take out Saddam Hussein when he had it in his hands. F.D.R. of course died in office after multiple terms being unable to complete and finish World War II, which was succinctly dealt with by the "Man from Missouri," Harry Truman who swiftly nuked Japan, twice to finish it. I'm from Missouri, and obviously, we don't mess around in that state.

Now, we are facing the impeccable George W. Bush, the honorable leader of the United States and the free World and his current choice while facing the nations of NATO today, to 'stay the course,' and STAY in Iraq, and Afghanistan until the "Mission is complete."
At this point, I am wondering what exactly is the Mission? Are we trying to stabilize Iraq similar to the way we stabilized New Orleans and Mississippi after Katrina? Is our mission to sustain a similar crime rate in Iraq as our most violent city in America, St. Louis, Missouri? Are we being optimistic in thinking we can install a democracy and peace in Iraq just as we did Viet Nam?

I recall that nothing can really be done to stop George Bush and his visualization of a perfect Iraq, or Afghanistan, nothing but fate, destiny, and KARMA. I reflect on the destiny of the aforementioned Presidents whose belief in war or how a war is fought led to their demise. I am not criticizing this elite group, as I am just stating the facts. Lincoln, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, the elder Bush, and FDR all met their fate by a very obvious law of causeand effect, that we call KARMA. "What goes around, comes around." When a President of the United States declares War (really without the support of Congress who by the law of the Constitution is SUPPOSED to declare War, NOT the President) he is placing his own life at risk under the law of cause and effect which seems to judge each person for their actions no matter what they try to do to avoid it. History does not lie, and I pray for President Bush that his choice to "complete the mission," is just, honest, with proper agenda, logical intent, logical evolution, and not at the wasteful cost of needless loss of life, of the people of Iraq, and the U. S. Military.

Throughout my life, I have watched how this law of cause and effect work, Karma, and if I were advisor to this President, (I wish I were), my advice to him would be, "President Bush, I feel the war cannot be won. I feel that the mission can never be completed. I feel that the loss of life is quite enough, and that we graciously, intently, surreptitiously, and with precision, organize our military and pull out of Iraq, with possibly leaving several bases intact if required by the Iraqi government, with limited military involvement by our nation, as soon as possible."

I would advise the President to do this, because due to the law of cause and effect that we know as Karma, whatever action we decide upon in our life that does not have a priority of Love and God, is something that we will have to pay for down the road. The proper choice is to save lives and stop this War for the good of all. Unfortunately, the 'other Presidents' paid for their decisions, which were wrong, inevitably through their own untimely deaths, assassinations, disgrace, or losing and/or stepping down from political office due to political pressure. I certainly don't wish it to come to that for President Bush, butat this point I feel that the majority of American and World opinion agrees that the War cannot be won, and that it should end by the immediate withdrawal of our troops, praying that the Iraqi people somehow pull together with the support of their Arab neighbors and salvage what they can in this war torn nation.

I don't like to be political, but as a Karma Practitioner, I merely like to state the facts and alert the public as to the ramifications of choices made by World Leaders, such as President Bush, and that it would be to his best interest and the best interest of the United States and the World, if he would just end the war.

One wonders why he wouldn't 'just end the war,' when an act such as that would probably put him in an excellent light within U.S. and World History, and instead chose the path of Karma, the path of pay back by continuing the bloodshed in what is now recognized by most Iraqis as an invasion of their country, considering most all Iraqis have now lost family members in this War which has currently now lasted longer than World War II. What is the fate of George Bush for his choices concerning this war? His fate is only for God to know, but in time, I am sure we shall all witness the result of stubborn inappropriate choices which put the lives of innocents at risk every day.

Once again, I pray he reconsider for the sake of his reputation, as I fear the backlash of Karma created by inappropriate decisions has been revealed by the fate of former U.S. Presidents who also staked their reputations for the sake of War. May God have mercy on President Bush, and may God protect him and bless him in whatever decision he makes, as Karmically speaking, what does go around, eventually does come around.

Just my take on his choice today...God help him, and God help us all.
Karma has a funny way of restoring the balance in all situations without any human intervention.

To think we are in a Moon Wobble on top of it all. You are better off not making such decisions during such an unstable time, and one also wonders, who is actually advising Mr. Bush to make such decisions?

Farley Malorrus,


Monday, November 27, 2006

Astrology Explained. "Things to do during the Moon Wobble," By Farley Malorrus

The current Moon Wobble started 11/22/06 and will continue through to 12/20/06. Here are some things I have decided to do during the current Wobble, (Finishing projects, things to do, ideas created before wobble, basic maintenance)

Some things I wouldn't do: Break up with someone, decide on divorce or separation, Major Surgery, Major purchase of asset, large purchase of stock, get married, propose, start business, start a war; buy a new car, boat, or plane; Estate Planning, Make out a will, create a partnership; buy an RV or 5th wheel, buy a new Truck, rent an apartment, buy a house or condo; start a mutual fund, 401k, or pension plan; start a diet, start an exercise program; Major interior or exterior decoration. (I am in no way telling you to stop living, but if you do any of these things and become DISAPPOINTED afterwards or there are complications, that would be from the Moon Wobble.)

Things TO DO During a MOON WOBBLE,

by Farley Malorrus

1. Clean the House, Winterize your home, car, boat, truck or RV.

2. Clean up my Rig (Motor Home)(Or 5th wheel), maintain and service appliances, engine, interior decoration, rug shampoo, bathroom doorknob. Service appliances, electrical, plumbing, and sewage systems in the home.

3. Service Auto, in the shop tomorrow, for Lube, Oil, and filter.

4. Finish projects, To Do lists, and all deals, plans, contracts, and agreements made before the Moon Wobble started.

5. Clean bird cage, pet areas, Veteranian visits, shots, medical treatment for pets, livestock, add food, water, grit.

6. Buy clothes for winter, and spring.

7. Grocery shopping.

8. Get a health check up, and follow up on medical treatment. Try to wait until after 12/22/06 for major surgery or COSMETIC SURGERY to avoid complications and disappointments.

9. Go to the dentist, get teeth fixed, cavities removed.

10. Eat right, get enough sleep, meditate.

11. Take vitamins, minerals, and herbs including plenty of acidophilous (The basic ingredient for yogurt and kiefer) for great digestion. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, as usual.

12. (Don't make any major purchases, like car, house, boat, new business, computer, or technology)

13. Travel planning is great here, plan trips, purchase tickets, plan routes. Go on trips. (I prefer not to plan an Ocean Cruise at this time) Road trips are preferred, or trains.

14. Give to good will clothes you don't need or things you don't need or use. (Great time to sell things on craigslist or eBay!)

15. Buy gifts for others for the holidays. Decorate trees, Put up X-mas lights.

16. Buy Tax Free Insured California Municipal Bonds, (Insured so shouldn't be a problem)

17. Open any kind of Insured Savings account, CD, or money market.

18. Get your hair done, or cut, even a permanent.

19. Get your nails or feet done, manicure or pedicure.

20. Get a massage, body work, or self improvement; learn to meditate.

21. Have fun and increase the entertainment and relaxation therapy in your life.

22. Make love, make out, romance, past due honeymoons, relive the honey moon, fall in love (as long as it's mutual).

23. If you adopt a pet during this time, there is a much greater possibility you have problems with your pet, or that you may be disappointed in it.

24. End a WAR. Pull out the TROOPS! No problem!

25. Make donations, help the homeless, do taxes, pay taxes, adhere to civil responsibilities, pay attention to legal matters, accounting, bookeeping, traffic tickets or fines, and income taxes.

Hope that helps! Happy Holidays!

Farley Malorrus,

Please go to our web site above and check out our 180 topics that I channeled on Los Angeles Radio in the 80's and 90's. The audio topics are free to listen to, but if you like the site, PLEASE DONATE, even $5 to keep us on the air on the Net! Thank you!


ASTROLOGY CLOCK, You got to LOVE THIS, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, By Farley Malorrus...Yes, it works


This CLOCK accurately tracks the Sun, Moon, Rising Sign, and 8 planets besides the Earth including PLUTO! I WANT ONE! I WANT ONE!
Farley Malorrus,

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Astrology Explained. How to avoid the Stress, and Anger of the Holidays. By Farley Malorrus

The strange times continue with the Sagittarius transits and the Moon Wobble. People get down right weird during the holidays. They break up with you for no announced reason, or dump you. Your friends need space and decide to break a 20 year tradition, your Dad goes berserk and abuses the family with a tirade; things just get downright crazy. I refuse to let any of this get me down. I try to stay focused on some of the major elements in life that keeps you confident and happy. I am sure that some of these "humans" were born to test us, to cut us, put us down, criticize us, judge us, or verbally and physically abuse us. In all likelihood, if it is physical abuse, well the Police should be called. Otherwise, I learned it best to turn the other cheek, grin and bear it. It's they who are the one's with the problem not us. SO, when you go to your holiday functions and your friends and family freak out, reject you, abandon you, or abuse you, look to the love inside yourself for solace.

A long time ago a wise man once told me that it is the love inside ourselves that is the most important love we can seek, as this love is really God's love. So, when I go to these functions, or experience some madness then I return to my main focus in life, which is inner peace, happiness, and balance.

My focus is simple as I strive to be healthy, meaning I get my vitamins, nutrition, minerals, hydration, and exercise and do what I can to avoid aches pains, chronic ailments, and take the herbs necessary to keep my blood pressure normal (Usually Garlic helps, or Kyolic Garlic Pills), my sleep time consistent (8 hours), and my attitude in check meaning that I choose to remain happy and funny, no matter what ever else is happening in the world. I organize my chores and projects for the week on Sunday and Monday, and basically leave behind the negative people, and vibrations that I experience all of my life. If necessary, I meditate for 20 minutes before my morning meal and 20 minutes before my evening meal to reduce blood pressure, stress, and to vent safely any negative emotions from any bad holiday or other experiences. The best thing I do is take on a new attitude, meaning instead of caring so much for people who obviously don't care about me or my loved one's my attitude is "WHATEVER!" I like the 'whatever' attitude because it takes negative emotions that are hanging on to you and sends them on their way free of your heart and into space.

For example, someone tells me someone doesn't like me...Whatever! Maybe someone tells me another person is talking badly about me.....Whatever! Or I see someone I love in my family get in an argument with another person, in which case I will try to help them iron it out, but in the end, I just think whatever! Truth be known, the only thing that negative emotions, hate, worry, anxiety, or concern can hurt, IS YOU, and no one else, (unless you are Bi Polar)  If you have a lot of Water in your chart, like Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio, you may be over sensitive like me (Scorpio Moon, Venus in Cancer, 2 planets in 12th House) in which case you need to be able to read and process your emotions quickly, so they don't eat you up inside and make you sick. I am convinced at this point in my life that most disease and premature death is caused by people who stress themselves out, worry too much, are defeatist with negative attitudes, and basically in the end give up.

I have decided to not be like that, instead return to my happy, funny center, and instead of carrying around a bag of stress and worries, I meditate it away, stay focused on my life's activities and use the 'whatever' mantra when necessary. Of course, those people around you that hear you say, 'whatever,' may not like it, and may get angry at you because you have an "I don't care," attitude, but if they try to haunt you with it, you just tell them, "I don't want it to eat me up inside, as it is seemingly doing to you!" So.....Whatever! The worst thing to do during the holidays is bury negative emotions under heavy drugs and alcohol, which many do during the holidays and beyond, because one day you will have to face up to your feelings and deal with them, and if you bury them, you are only postponing the inevitable. My other advice to all of you during the holidays is not to patronize or argue with a person who is drunk or an obvious alcoholic as this is a 'no win' situation, especially if they are drunk, it could only create havoc! SO, when someone asks me if I want a drink during the holidays I say "no" as I don't drink! Just some words to the wise, don't let the holidays get you down, have fun, be safe, don't drive drunk and don't let the one's who are over stressed take you down. God Bless you for reading my journal!

SO have a Happy Holiday season, and let's pray for World Peace!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from Farley Malorrus


Check it out, you'll be glad you did!



Saturday, November 25, 2006


Jupiter and the Sun Move into Sagitarrius with Venus and Pluto By Farley Malorrus

This should be a fantastic time for the fire signs, especially Aries and Leo benefiting from four planets in friendly Fire. Sagittarius is being tested right now, and Sagittarius Rising (My Dad) may be out of control with anger and bitterness, (Thanksgiving) Why does Sagittarius Rising have the worst temper? I'm not sure, but someone told me that most people who are bi polar are Sagittarius, Leo, or Aries rising as they burst forth with the love AND the anger. I feel like someone has lifted a heavy burden off of me now (Leo) and that I can now proceed with some festivities (Moon Wobble or not!)

The weekend has been uneventful except for some very warm and affectionate friends that made a point to let me know I am loved, and an outstanding Mother who cooked the best Thanksgiving dinner ever for herself and I. I'm over my sinus infection now, and out of the pain mode. I've been loading up on vitamins and mostly vitamin C and trying hard to avoid those that are sick with colds and flu as it is usually epidemic at this time. There is nothing worse then getting a cold or the flu during the holiday season as it kind of messes up your whole schedule. I have played with the idea of going back to South Carolina, but it's so cold there right now, that I figure it's best to just stay put in Southern California and enjoy the warm weather.

I'm excited that my partner Kenneth has added topics to our Astrology Server, and where there was 120 at one time, now there are 180 channeled topics that I did while on KFOX radio at 12 Noon in Los Angeles during the 80's and 90's. We have been getting about 40 hits a day, which means that people are down loading the topics and learning. IT does our heart glad to have people benefit from the information we have on the site, and the donations we receive help pay for the broadband and the server costs that we must absorb to keep the site going. OF course, getting a donation is like pulling teeth out of a rabid Wolverine, but for the few who have done it, kudos and God Bless you for helping us in our mission of spreading World Peace, and higher consciousness. For those of you who can't afford it, no worries, as it is our way to tithe to the World something that we hope can open peoples minds. We have over 1,000 topics, and it is our dream to have them all on the server, so if you know anyone who wishes to advertise on our site, "Radio Astrology," Please have them call meat 310-415-9222 for a banner rate!

That's the latest from your friendly neighborhood Astrologer. Enjoy the Sagittarius transits, the Moon Wobble, and if things don't work out perfect, just remember, it's the wobble!

Farley Malorrus,

Thursday, November 23, 2006


TO SUPPORT The server, click on the link below and SHOP GOOGLE ADS. We will make income from this. Please go there FREQUENTLY and use the GOOGLE ADS. Thanks...

DURAN DURAN doing Ordinary World on Spiderman (For you from Farley Malorrus)

THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS and MOVIES. Hope visiting my journal today made your Thanksgiving or week Sensational.... LOVE TO YOU, YOUR FAMILY, and to the World. Farley Malorrus,

We're in Heaven Video from Kingdom Hearts. Great Exercise aerobics video and ONE OF MY TOP SONGS!

I LOVE THIS VIDEO and SONG. Please enjoy. Happy Holidays! Farley Malorrus

Tears for Fears, MAD WORLD (Of course!) Have a great Holiday everyone. Your bud. Farley Malorrus

MAD WORLD (one of my favorite videos) Gary Jule,

Happy Thanksgiving! Finally, Laughing Babies...Have a great Holiday! Farley Malorrus

If you need a Laugh, The Weather in GERMAN, By Farley Malorrus

TALKING CATS on Thanksgiving from Farley Malorrus for your entertainment!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

TALKING DOGS, HILARIOUS...Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE, so funny, from Farley Malorrus, enjoy.

ASTROLOGY with Farley Malorrus LIVE ON XZONE RADIO TONIGHT 11/22/06 at 10pm PST

Farley Malorrus on XZONE RADIO 9pm to 11.00pmPST, 

Topics is: "Economic Disaster in 2007?"

Astrology Explains....(Full 2 hour segment...we are having call ins)

Just click the link (Go to archives for 11/22/06 and look for my name, Farley Malorrus to listen.
There's a chance I may be on as early as 9pm, but it seems 10pm PST is for sure, so please log in to listen. Thanks.
Farley Malorrus

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Astrology Predicts: Are we Facing the Greatest Depression of all time in 2007? By Farley Malorrus

Economic Disaster in 2007? Astrology Explained....

I hope not, By Farley Malorrus

Happy Thanksgiving all! Not to be the bearer of bad tidings, but just to let you know about some planetary movement.

Credit Card debt is at an all time high, and people are living on their credit cards if they can. The housing boom is over, people are betting on the stock market instead. Fannie Mae may have a trillion dollars in debt from homes they lent to, and who knows if the U.S. can print any more money to stave off our war bills.

Still, Jupiter enters Sagittarius now, and on January 6, 2007 to January 25, 2007, with after effects that could be months or years, we have the planet of prosperity, expansion, luck, money, and power (Jupiter) at a right angle square to Uranus, the planet of speculation, sudden change, sudden reversals, awakening, break ups, bankruptcies, in the sign of dreams, delusions, gambling, Pisces.

This aspect has me concerned, only because Neptune, which is ruling planet of Pisces is in the sign of people, and humanity (Aquarius) in opposite aspect on the other side of the Earth to Saturn, The Lord of Karma and Capricorn in the sign of LEO which rules family, father, creativity, speculation and leadership. SO, we have the 4 LARGEST PLANETS AT ODDS WITH EACH OTHER. Jupiter SQUARE Uranus, and Neptune OPPOSITION Saturn in January, 2007 with after effects until maybe 2009 or 2010. (God Help us) This leads me to think, "Oh God, should I short Google at $500 a share, and buy it back when it dives to $85 where it began?
Imagine all the money lost if Google crashes ,or that huge stock that costs like $100,000 a share (not sure of price)(Berkshire Hathaway, I believe) we are talking mass fortunes lost by the rich, and the poor and middle class are already being choked! God, I'm glad I'm prepared for this junk if it happens, because frankly, I've been tracking this aspect for 15 years, and finally, January 2007, 4 planets in a very bad way.

So, at this point you are asking me, "Farley, what do I do? How do I protect myself? How can I survive this?" Well, if you are in the entertainment business, war industry, or oil industry you are okay, but if you are just about anywhere else, hope you have some money putaside, as REAL CASH should have value if a major depression hits, and Real Estate along with the stock market will be worth peanuts. At that point, (ego withstanding), I would feel like a genius (or you should) If you sold your stock, and/or your real estate before this happens.

On top of all this, We got the Moon Wobble starting tomorrow for 28 days, along with rabid holiday spending, most of which many cannot afford, and then BOOM (as John Madden would say), the 4 Largest Planets at odds for about 3 weeks. Now, I can just visualize it all away and say, no problem, no karma, everyone's been good, and this couldn't possibly happen, but there have always been economical setbacks though out U.S. History, so it is a pattern, as in 1929 stock market crash, and it is from idiotic spending by people, and governments, and the national debt going through the roof.

If you were smart you would have some insured cash deposits, like savings, CD's, and Tax Free Insured Municipal Bonds, staple goods, like survival food, canned goods, vitamins, and even water, stocked away, and you might even be debt free, liquid, all your bills and mortgages paid, and expect this little mishap. How many people think like me? I am hoping NOTHING HAPPENS. I have been wrong (Twice?), and I'm glad I am, as I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but IF SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENS and I was to warn MY READERS IN ADVANCE, if that didn't prove the power of AStrology, I'm not sure what would. Also, YES, we/I predicted the stock market crash, immediately after Bush elected, when the dot com frenzy died, and die it did!

So, try to hang on to some rent money, food money, money for the kids, pets, and vitals. Try to hang onto the health insurance, as the health insurance system in this country along with the AMA might also crash if the public runs out of money.

Sad fact here folks, is that many LARGE BANKS have investments in Real Estate, the STOCK MARKET, including Google, and Berkshire Hathaway, and they are also the ones responsible for the huge credit card debt and it is THEY WHO WILL LOSE if no one has money to pay that debt. Is keeping money in a small bank a good idea? Who knows. For pity sake, I don't wish to cause a panic, or freak anyone out, as nothing is for sure. I am just an Astrologer looking at the planets, and incoming aspects and reporting the possible forecast financially.

I haven't looked at the Stock Market Crash of 1929, as I'm frightened to, and I fear I might find similarities.
All, I can say as advice to you folks, is maybe be more conservative now, put away the credit cards, tithe to worthy groups and people, and put away money if you can to take you through the next 6 months or so. Also, banding together in groups as partners could bail folks out if things get nuts, and to think I've been in a trailer park for 1.5 years now, just waiting for the cities to implode. Gosh, I hope they do not. Karma is karma, and if the world and the U.S. along with our brainchild government agencies need a wakeup call, the 4 largest planets out there are just the ones to serve just desserts, however, I don't like to see innocents caught up in it, and if possible and you don't have too much karma with money and economics, you can sail through this period. We will monitor current events, and world changes during this period and pray everything remains the same, or gets better. (I want to be wrong in this case!)

IF I were advising the President, I'd tell him to stop spending, pull out of the War, reduce the debt, and stop printing money, to avoid a national catastrophe, because once it happens and if we are still over there fighting, the U.S. may run out of money, as it did in WW II, before we invaded Iwo Gima (recent movie on it, Flags of our Fathers). No, the U.S could never go bankrupt, right? God, I hope not.

Okay , on the lighter side, HAPPY THANKSGIVING, and GOD LOVE YOU ALL. NOw, don't panic, be safe, TITHE TO our web site, and keep smiling. Also, I discussed this aspect with a very wise spiritualist tonight, a friend I've known since the 60's and she has been waiting for this to happen. She asked me, "Farley, when do you see the U.S. Economy going to Hell, if it happens?" My answer was, "If it happens, and I pray it doesn't, the peak is on January 6, 2006, to January 25, 2006." Let's hope it doesn't happen.

Tell someone hello today, and/or you love them if you do, and give them a hug for me!!

Farley Malorrus 

Did you survive the Scorpio Transits? Sagittarius should equal Freedom By Farley Malorrus

In a World that's filled with Football, fakers, fast foods, fillies, friends, fascists, frankinsense, fantasy, fairies, filling stations, fillibusters, franks, facets, faucets, finks, fabrics, falicies, fault lines, fancy finishes, fixings, fashion, functions, felines, front lines, fast cars, fallen stars, finicky bars, I guess it's always good to know theres also Farley. I'm sure glad I know how to meditate, pray, visualize, center and calm myself, as getting through November could be a problem. Still, even though you may feel like you are on the Titanic, with the sea frozen, and the ship sinking, the good news is, that once you die, at least you can embrace the light, and spend the rest of eternity with God.

With that said, how's your Thanksgiving week going? I'm hoping you haven't lost a son or daughter in the War, or a relative or friend, and that your family is happy and healthy, also that maybe your bills are caught up and you are happy with your job. I'm also hoping you are not someone who finally decided to list their real estate, now that the rush is over, it may be a little too late. WE live in a World where they may want to reinstate the Draft for our 18 year olds, when in truth what we need is a DRAFT FOR GOVERNMENT employees ONLY. I know there is about as much chance as Congress approving that bill as a SnowBall in Heck, but if it was like that, we would have few if any Wars. Funny, how some Congressmen in New York (Is it Rangel, the famous Korean War veteran), would love to put ALL OUR CHILDREN In harm's way, just so Congress won't let some President go to war. Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to America! I think George Washington would reconsider that little trist.

So, here we are on the verge of the Sagittarius transits, with Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Sun, and Jupiter all headed into the sign of Peace, the sign of Love, the Sign of Freedom, and the biggest Moon Wobble of the year. Still, it feels like something is amiss. Even Astrology may not be able to pull us out of some of the Karmic mess we are in, or about to enter, unless we can all pull together, and visualize something positive. The funny thing about humor, is that you usually need to show someone wanting something, and then conflict to get the laughs. Sounds like the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, as everyone wants something the other doesn't, and there is plenty of conflict.

I say One Day at a time. I'm not sure what all of you are going through, but I'll say this, I for one, feel like I'm being tested in a very big way at this time, and if it wasn't for my faith, persistence, support troops, and prayers, I'm not quite sure how I would have handled it. One thing is for sure, November has never been my favorite month, and I'd just for once like to see a happy, loving, sharing, caring, compassionate Christmas, without everyone running around thinking 'buying things for people,' is the way to be, when all we really need, is love, understanding, compassion, and maybe some eye contact after a nice long warm hug.

If you are in the colder part of the world, do me a favor, and take all your old clothes that you don't wear, and those worn out blankets and keep them in the car, so when you pass by a homeless person, take a moment to get out of the car, and give them what you can as far as warm clothing, blankets, and even $20 or $50 as a token of good faith for whatever love and compassion may be left in the human race. Also, remember that this time of year is the BEST time to tithe, especially if you have NOTHING, remember the formula for getting things is to GIVE, and this is the best time for humans to share their abundance with those who have none. I think that just about wraps up the Scorpio and Sagittarius epic in a nutshell. Now, it's time for me to go to my Dad's house and take him and Mom to his Doctor, as he is not feeling to well. (Does anyone feel good at 91?) I'm hoping my Dad survives this part of his life, but I do hate to see him suffer, as I love him very much. So, this is the time of the year, that I feel good about giving, helping, sharing, and being compassionate where I can, because so many don't even care what's going on.

I have hope that as we approach the Capricorn transits after the MOON WOBBLE, (Xmas and New Years), that everything will improve in this World. I have hope, but there is never any guarantee unless we actually do something to help someone.

Be at Peace.

Farley Malorrus.